\~\~The CALLING TREE (tm) provides that special look and control one needs in pyramid or tree type organizations where a organization of people spread out from a root. This can be used in establishing and controlling Emergency Contact/Response Networks or Political Party Info Matrixes, or tracking referrals in network marketing or MLM organizations, and more that I haven't thought of yet.
\~\~The CALLING TREE uses database indexing extensively. In order to facilitate hard disk searches and other data I/O it is therefore highly recommended that you use a good disk caching program to speed up the operation of the program.
\~\|Glossary of Terms
\~\~FAMILY QUEUE (Frontline - Immediate Downline)
\~Number of people directly below you in the tree (could be hundreds). This could be your immediate downline if you are in network marketing.
\~Person directly above you in the tree (will be only one). This might be your sponsor if you are using this in network marketing.
\~\~GROUP (Total Downline)
\~When a tree is built there are going to be people at various levels in the tree related to one another either directly or removed by one or more steps or levels. The Group is everyone on the first level and all their people below them on their respective levels, all the way to the end of each branch of the tree.
\~This is how many people are between you and the top of the tree. If you are Bob and you started this program and then added Sue to your family queue, you would be level zero and Sue would be level 1. If you added John to your family queue, John would also be level 1, but if you added John to Sue's family queue, John would be level 2.
\~A tree member's downline consists of all those people in the member's immediate/direct contact group and all the people in those contact groups.
\~\|Regarding This 'System Operators' window
\~\~The three elements of system that the program tracks automatically are: How many people are in a persons Family queue (i.e. How many people are direct downline or frontline for those networking types), How many levels this person is from the root person (i.e. how many people are between me and the main person), and how many total people are in the tree.
\~\~From this System Operator Screen you have three special keys available to you.
\~\~This the name you want to appear in several places throughout the program. This is my attempt to sort of personalize it for you.
\~\~The CALLING TREE (tm) provides that special look and control one needs in pyramid or tree type organizations where a organization of people spread out from a root. This can be used in establishing and controlling emergency response or political organization phone trees, tracking referrals in network marketing organizations, and more that I haven't thought of yet.
\~\~THE CALLING TREE uses a member's ID Number as the primary record ID. If you are changing a member's ID for any reason the system will prompt you to confirm that you are doing the right thing.
\~\|Glossary of Terms
\~\~FAMILY QUEUE (Frontline - Immediate Downline)
\~Number of people directly below you in the tree (could be hundreds). This could be your immediate downline if you are in network marketing.
\~Person directly above you in the tree (will be only one). This might be your sponsor if you are using this in network marketing.
\~\~GROUP (Total Downline)
\~When a tree is built there are going to be people at various levels in the tree related to one another either directly or removed by one or more steps or levels. The Group is everyone on the first level and all their people below them on their respective levels, all the way to the end of each branch of the tree.
\~This is how many people are between you and the top of the tree. If you are Bob and you started this program and then added Sue to your family queue, you would be level zero and Sue would be level 1. If you added John to your family queue, John would also be level 1, but if you added John to Sue's family queue, John would be level 2.
\~A tree member's downline consists of all those people in the member's immediate/direct contact group and all the people in those contact groups.
\~\|Function Keys...
\~\~[F1] Help
\~The [F1] key is active through out and brings up context sensitive help in a help window. It will explain everything there is to explain at this point.
\~\~[F2] List
\~Pressing this [F2] key will give the user a window with an alphabetical listing of all the members of the tree starting with A. If you have done a Key Word or Phrase search and are consequently looking at a subset of the tree database then pressing the [F2] key will give you a list of only the people in the subset.
\~\~[F3] ShowC
\~Show comments in a full window. The comments field on the member edit screen is only part of the whole field. The whole field is 512 characters long. To view the whole field press [F3].
\~\~[F4] Assign (Manually)
\~Press the [F4] key if you want to assign this member (new or old) to a new upline family queue parent. Pressing this key will give you a window listing all the other members in the tree who are available to have as a parent. Choosing the same parent will yield no change. If you chose a parent who is currently in this person's downline then you will notified of such a case and will not be allowed to move this person's downline with them when they are moved. Their downline in that instance will compress up to their previous parent.
\~\~Note: If you configured THE CALLING TREE for automatic assign then you will not have to manually assign new members. The program will automatically pick out the next logical member closest to the root of the tree to assign the new member to. Using the automatic assign feature assures that you will have a locally balanced tree with everyone getting calls as efficiently as possible.
\~\~[F5] Dial
\~THE CALLING TREE will dial any phone number off of the screen. Vanity Phone Numbers are supported. 1-800-A-RIP-OFF would be converted to 1-800-274-7633. ABC=2, DEF=3, GHI=4, JKL=5, MNO=6, PQRS=7, TUV=8, WXYZ=9
\~\~Place the cursor in a phone number field with a phone number entry in it. Then press the [F5] key to dial that number. You will see a small insert window showing you the number being dialed. When the number has been dialed you hit ANY KEY to disconnect the modem. This will return you to the member screen.
\~\~[F6] Print
\~Press the [F6] key to print a member's information to screen, disk or printer.
\~\~[F7] Options
\~You have several options here. Using this key you may in the middle of entering a member's information switch to 'ADD a NEW member record', 'Edit/Change a member record', 'Retrieve a member record', 'Delete a Member' or 'Search Database'.
\~\~THE CALLING TREE treats Retrieval and Search as two distinctly different operations.
\~\~You may 'RETRIEVE' Member Records from the database by exact NAME, DATE or PHONE NUMBER
\~\~You may 'SEARCH' for Member Records in the database by a range of DATEs and KEY WORD/PHRASE.
\~\~Note: All Retrieved records from either the Retrieve or the Search Operation are placed in a SubSet file. So you may look at and work on just a SubSet of the tree's database rather than the whole database.
\~\|- Retrieve -
\~\~The system will look for a specific Name, Date or Phone number. If it finds none you will be notified. If it finds 1 then it will put that member record on the screen. If it finds more than one it will put up a window with a list of the records found and ask you to select the one you want.
\~\~Name: Place the cursor in the last name field. Type in as much of the name as you can. Then press [F8] (Start). The system will produce a window of names starting with the next alphabetical last name in the system.
\~\~Date: Place the cursor in the date field [A,B,C,D or E] you are look for a date from. Type in a date you want to find. Then press [F8] (Start). The system will find all of member records. Remember, date searches are field specific. So only Date A dates will be searched if you place the search date in that field, etc. The date format it 'MM/DD/YY'.
\~\~|- Search -
\~\~The system provides a means to do a search for range of dates, specific to a date field [A,B,C,D or E]. If it finds any dates equal to or between the dates specified then it will put those records in a subset datafile.
\~\~The system provides a means to do a full tree database search based on the presence or absence of a key word or phrase. If it finds your specified key word or phrase anywhere in the database it will save that record to a subset file. To look for a key word or phrase just type it in and the press [ENTER]. To look for the absence of the word or phrase preface it with a '{!' i.e. '{!pass'. The searches are case insensitive. That means that 'a' will find 'a' and 'A' and visa versa. So, 'pass' will find 'Passenger', 'bypass', and 'PASS'. and '{!pass' will find all records but those.
\~\~[F8] Save
\~The Action Key. Press the [F8] key to Save, Accept, Start an operation.
\~\~[F9] Prev
\~Same as [F10] key, but pressing the [F9] key will give you the 'PREVIOUS' record on file. If you were just about to ADD a NEW member then this operation will be canceled and the previous record on file will be placed on the screen in edit mode.
\~\~[F10] Next
\~Same as [F9] key, but pressing the [F10] key will give you the 'NEXT' record on file.
\~Family Queue List the member's individual family queue by pressing the PgDN key.
\~\~[PgUp] Upline page
\~Upline Page up through the tree by pressing the PgUp key.
\~\~[Alt/F1] Insert Today's Date in cursor field. If you are in the Comments field the date will be appended to the end of any information that may be in the field.
\~[Alt/F2] Bring up a Calendar of this month. Display a calendar for any month from 1981 to 9999.
\~Press the ESC key just about anywhere, including here, and you will back up to the previous screen, in this case the Main Menu
\~\~You may conduct searches of the tree's database by 1) placing the system in 'Retrieve Mode' then 2) type in any part of a person's last name (must) and first name (optional) in the appropriate fields then pressing [F8] to begin the search. The system will display a window with the matching tree members listed alphabetically. You may also use the double period '..' to indicate a range of names to retrieve.
\~\~Example: 'a..n' will retrieve all last names from Albert to Nyman.
\~'hall..' will retrieve all last names from 'Hall' to 'ZZZZ'
\~'..RUSH' will retrieve all last names from AAAA to RUSH.
\~\~This is the comments field. Enter any comments up to 250 characters. If you wish to view the entire comments field then press the [F3] Key or with the cursor in the comments field press the [PgDn] Key.
\~\~Auto Date:.. Place the current system date at the end of the entered data by pressing the ALT-F1 key.
\|A - DATE Format [MM/DD/YY]
\~\~You may track up to 5 dates for each individual. You might think of using the 'A' date for say anniversery dates. But, you may use them for what ever you wish.
\~\~Pressing the PgDn key while in Retrieve or Edit Modes will produce a list of all people in the tree's database with a date in 'A' date field, sorted by date.
\~\~You may optionally find all records with an EMPTY Date 'A' field sorted by last name/first name just by placing a '{}' in this field prior to pressing the PgDn Key.
\~\~Auto Date:..
\~Place the current system date in any field by pressing the ALT-[F1] key.
\~\~Calendar View:..
\~Bring up this months' calendar with today's date flashing. Move forward and backward one month or one year at a time using the [F9], [F10], [PgDN], [PgUP], Up/Down Arrows, Tab, BackTab, Left and Right Arrows.
\|B - DATE Format [MM/DD/YY]
\~\~You may track up to 5 dates for each individual. You might think of using the 'B' date for say birth dates. But, you may use them for what ever you wish.
\~\~Pressing the PgDn key while in Retrieve or Edit Modes will produce a list of all people in the tree's database with a date in 'B' date field, sorted by date.
\~\~You may optionally find all records with an empty Date 'B' field sorted by last name/first name just by placing a '{}' in this field prior to pressing the PgDn Key.
\~\~Auto Date:..
\~Place the current system date in any field by pressing the ALT-[F1] key.
\~\~Calendar View:..
\~Bring up this months' calendar with today's date flashing. Move forward and backward one month or one year at a time using the [F9], [F10], [PgDN], [PgUP], Up/Down Arrows, Tab, BackTab, Left and Right Arrows.
\|C - DATE Format [MM/DD/YY]
\~\~You may track up to 5 dates for each individual. You may use them for what ever you wish.
\~\~Pressing the PgDn key while in Retrieve or Edit Modes will produce a list of all people in the tree's database with a date in 'C' date field, sorted by date.
\~\~You may optionally find all records with an empty Date 'C' field sorted by last name/first name just by placing a '{}' in this field prior to pressing the PgDn Key.
\~\~Auto Date:..
\~Place the current system date in any field by pressing the ALT-[F1] key.
\~\~Calendar View:..
\~Bring up this months' calendar with today's date flashing. Move forward and backward one month or one year at a time using the [F9], [F10], [PgDN], [PgUP], Up/Down Arrows, Tab, BackTab, Left and Right Arrows.
\|D - DATE Format [MM/DD/YY]
\~\~You may track up to 5 dates for each individual. You may use them for what ever you wish.
\~\~Pressing the PgDn key while in Retrieve or Edit Modes will produce a list of all people in the tree's database with a date in 'D' date field, sorted by date.
\~\~You may optionally find all records with an empty Date 'D' field sorted by last name/first name just by placing a '{}' in this field prior to pressing the PgDn Key.
\~\~Auto Date:..
\~Place the current system date in any field by pressing the ALT-[F1] key.
\~\~Calendar View:..
\~Bring up this months' calendar with today's date flashing. Move forward and backward one month or one year at a time using the [F9], [F10], [PgDN], [PgUP], Up/Down Arrows, Tab, BackTab, Left and Right Arrows.
\|E - DATE Format [MM/DD/YY]
\~\~You may track up to 5 dates for each individual. You may use them for what ever you wish.
\~\~Pressing the PgDn key while in Retrieve or Edit Modes will produce a list of all people in the tree's database with a date in 'E' date field, sorted by date.
\~\~You may optionally find all records with an empty Date 'E' field sorted by last name/first name just by placing a '{}' in this field prior to pressing the PgDn Key.
\~\~Auto Date:..
\~Place the current system date in any field by pressing the ALT-[F1] key.
\~\~Calendar View:..
\~Bring up this months' calendar with today's date flashing. Move forward and backward one month or one year at a time using the [F9], [F10], [PgDN], [PgUP], Up/Down Arrows, Tab, BackTab, Left and Right Arrows.
\~\~A growing number of people have several mail boxes (Surface Mail P.O.Box and/or Home address), Voice Mail Box, and now Electronic Mail Box. More and more people are checking their Post Office Box, home mail box, phone (voice) mail box and multiple Electronic Mail (Email) boxes everyday. EMail boxes are springing up as a result of the home computer revolution. Most Email boxes will have the following format: 'name abbreviation@organization name abbreviation.organization type abbreviation'.
\~\~For example: 'inquest@aol.com' and '70505.531@compuserve.com' are two different Email addresses for the author of this program.
\~\~THE CALLING TREE is a shareware program and subscribes to the rules set forth by the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). Unregistered versions of THE CALLING TREE will get a special registration notice screen once each time the program is run. All you have to do to bypass the registration notice screen is press the [ENTER] or [RETURN] or register the software with IN/QUEST, LLC.
\~\~When you register this software you will be given a registration number. At that time you will enter your registration number in the registration notice screen or the System Operator Information screen. Once that step is completed, THE CALLING TREE is registered, and from that point on you will not see the registration notice screen again.
\~\~You are free to trial run this program for 30 days. If you like it and continue to use it then you must register this software with...
\~\~Enter a 2 (two) letter code or abbreviation for the state or province
\~\~Enter a the country name or country's abbreviation.
\~Up to 12 characters. The first three characters show in this window field
\~Print out results:
\~The full country field will print out on the member's full record everytime, but will only print out on mailing labels when the country is different than the default system country.
\~\~You have specified that you want to be notified it you are entering a duplicate name in the Tree. Well, you are here by notified. Press [ESC] or type 'N' to cancel the add and return to the name fields. Press "Y" to go ahead and accept the new name.
\~\~If you do add the record, you may always delete it later.
\~\~You may resort the database on any field ASCENDING or DESCENDING. Select 'A' or 'D' here to start the resort. Press 'ESC' to cancel sort.
\~\~\+'S' = Select SubSet Database to search
\~\+'F' = Select Full Database to search
\~\~When you are doing searches the system will default to the main 'FULL' database, except when you have a subset database in use. Then you will get this screen asking which database you want to search on. With this option you have the ability to fine tune the subset that you want to work on.
\~\~In the instance where you are adding - using the {ADD} operator - the question is asking if you want to add to the subset in use or create a new subset starting with this search.
\~\~To select FULL, press 'F' on the keyboard or move the mouse till the 'FULL' is blinking then press [ENTER]. To select the SUBSET, press 'S' move the mouse till the word 'SUBSET' is blinking then press [ENTER].
\~\~Enter the ID Number of the member record that you wish to retrieve from the database, then press [ENTER]!
\~\~Optional keys are:
\~[F2] List members of database
\~[F8] Search for ID after ID entered in last name field.
\~\~Enter the Last Name (or partial) of the member that you wish to retrieve from the database, then press [ENTER]!
\~\~Optional keys are:
\~[F2] List members of database
\~[F8] Search for name after name entered in last name field.
\~\~Enter the Date that you wish to retrieve from the database, then press [ENTER]!
\~\~Optional keys are:
\~[F2] List members of database
\~[F8] Search for date after date entered in last name field.
\~\~Enter the Phone Number (or partial) of the member(s) that you wish to retrieve from the database, then press [ENTER]!
\~\~Optional keys are:
\~[F2] List members of database
\~[F8] Search for phone number after phone number entered in last name field.